pedro silva
Colecionador #006: NEAL LEPOVETSKY
Name: Neal lepovetsky
Country: USA
Nickname: drneal
Owned Trackables: 3597
Hello Neal! Welcome to the Geocoins museum.
Neal, first of all I’ll ask you an introduction of drneal Geocacher.
Yes, I am a doctor, a chiropractic orthopedist, retired not quite a year now. I got my first drneal vanity license plate after graduating chiropractic college in St. Louis, in 1981 (my first name is neal.) I’ve been geocaching since 10/08/2006.
Do you do geocaching alone or do you have a team?
Originally, I did most of my geocaching alone...sometimes my nephew Jewish Lad went along with me to some events, and to get some of the geocaches close to home. I usually had my dog, or dogs with me; first Logan (no geonick,) then Heineken – myheine, Maxx was next – 2themaxx, and now occasionally, Sadie – sadiesue. The last few years, I’ve been joined (very happily,) by my wife Laura (imoutnabout,) and her daughter Kristine (kristinewithak – KWAK.) Laura and I are also known as the Skunkheads (in honor of our skunk skin caps!)
How was your first contact with geocaching and which factors where determinant so that you could continue as a geocacher?
I was first introduced to geocaching not long after my first wife Kathy, was killed in an auto accident, by some patients, Luvs2walk. My very first find was at our local brewery...it was something fun I could do with my free time instead of sitting in the house alone.
Let’s talk about your geocoins. How has this passion for geocoins begun?
My first coin was actually not a geocoin, but instead was a pathtag – the chiro-cache pathtag. I was later gifted a lackey geocoin (the very first of the lackey tags...it is still a part of my collection,) which steered me towards the more trackable, geocoins. Attending the geocoinfest in Pittsburgh, PA. after having made my first geocoin (also called chiro-cache featuring my dogs Logan and Heineken on one side, and a chiropractic caduseus on the other,) and being able to meet and talk with so many like tsun, yime, Walkin’ Ed and on and on, helped to really make geocoin collecting and trading a big part of my life.
When have you started your collection? Do you remember of which one was your first geocoin?
I mentioned I had been gifted a lackey coin, but my first trade at the geocoinfest was with Walkin’ Ed for his personal geocoin...next would have been Rusty, of Rusty and Libby fame .
Do you have a special geocoin? From your collection, which one is the apple of your eyes?
I’d really have trouble picking one, but my three favorties are in the order produced, Kathy’s Coin, Kathy’s Coin Too – Heaven’s The Place, and Will You Marry Me. For those interested, the stories behind each of these coins can be viewed on the geocoin forum on geocaching.com
How many geocoins do you have currently?
Geocaching.com tells me I have 3594 activated trackable geocoins, at least 1000 non trackable geocoins, and another 100-200 coins waiting to go into my collection, as soon as I finish posting coins on mygeodb...of course, there’s also Laura’s coins !
Do you usually activate all your geocoins or are there some items that you keep inactive, strategically?
I’ve always enjoyed being able to display my coins for discovery at the different events I’ve attended...again, it was a good way to meet and talk with people before marrying Laura. The coins Laura puts in her display racks are mostly unactivated
Physically or materially speaking, how do you organize or dispose your collection?
I have recently begun to organize my coins on mygeodb.de, after many years on cointracking.com. In all of these years that I’ve been collecting geocoins, I’ve only sold 1 geocoin (a chiro-cache,) just to see how it would do. The rest of my coins are used for trading...it’s a lot more fun that selling coins.
What are the criteria that you apply to add geocoins to your collection?
I’m getting to where I purchase coins that can go into my display binders (I have about 50 of them, but once I start catching up my coin activating, I guess that number will go up,) and I prefer coins that can be put into the 2.5” X 2.5” coin flips that I use.
Do you have any favourite themes?
Doggie coins are my favorites (I’m always looking for doggie coins I don’t already have, hint, hint, hint.) personal coins would be my next favorite.
Which was the most expensive geocoin that you acquire and what motivated that “investment”?
Laura’s wedding ring – yes it is trackable with permission of groundspeak. The icon is our Will You Marry Me geocoin. For those who may not be aware, I first met Laura at a geocaching event, I got down on one knee and asked Laura to marry me at the closing ceremonies of the Midwest Geobash 2 years ago in front of all those attending, we made our wedding last year a geocaching event (about 100 geocachers attended,) we were married by a geocacher, and our upcoming honeymoon is going to be a geotour !
Where do you usually acquire your geocoins?
Some I purchase, but my favorites, are those I trade for
Have you ever had the chance to take your collection to a geocaching event?
Many, many events including ASP Geobash, MWGB, GeoWoodstock, and a Geocoinfest. I used to take the entire collection, but after blowing out the tires on a wagon is used to haul them, I now pick out 10 or so binders of coins for events.
If other geocoins collectors (or not) want to see your collection can they do it? If they can, in what way can they do it?
Easiest way is to let me know ahead what coins you would like to see, and I’ll try to bring them with me to events. I am not a fan of virtual logging. My entire list of geocoins will soon be available https://www.mygeodb.de/showroom/dc3b32e5f266aff8940c25f79e9dbaca.html (about 8 binders of coins left to list yet.
Do you usually talk with other geocoins collectors? What kind of thoughts do you usually share?
I have friends that are geocoin collectors that I am generally in touch with via either the geocoin forum (not so much anymore,) or facebook. We keep tabs on who got what by posting pictures of geocoins we have received, but I’d like to think that most of our communications are about what’s happening in our lives.
Besides geocoins, do you do other kind of collecting?
I have a collection of ballcaps in the basement from different places I’ve been, and some shot glasses from different trips
Of all geocoins that you know or that you had the chance of take in, which is the “special item” that you dream to add to your collection, some day?
Number one on my “wants” list is a personal geocions called “Schnauzer Seekers”. Number 2 (I know you didn’t ask but here it is anyway,) would be that ever elusive Moun10bike V1.
And to who is tempted to join the geocoins world, what advice would you give him/her?
Start trading with your own personal geocoin...nowadays, you might as well figure on making it trackable with an icon. Initial cost is much higher than just buying a couple of geocoins, but eventually, you’ll end up spending a lot less money by trading, and get to meet a lot of very nice people maybe even your future spouse !) And don’t forget, I wanna trade !
Thank you so much for everything Neal!
Colecionador #005: Tracey Cunningham
Name: Tracey Cunningham
Country: Scotland
Nickname: Quingdao
Owned Trackables: 621
Hello Tracey! Welcome to the Geocoins museum.
Tracey, first of all I’ll ask you an introduction of Quingdao Geocacher.
I was introduced to geocaching by my boyfriend TDFThom1975, and have now been caching for 2 and a half years. I visited a couple with him prior to getting my own account. I choose my name because my brother and his wife were living in Qingdao in China at the time. TDFThom actually set the account up for me, and misspelt the name!
Do you do geocaching alone or do you have a team?
Occasionally I geocache alone, but mostly with TDFThom, other cachers or my children. On Saturday we climbed Schiehallion as part of a group of 10. Weather conditions weren't great to begin with so it was great to have a group of people all keeping each other going!
How was your first contact with geocaching and which factors where determinant so that you could continue as a geocacher?
As I said my initial contact was through my boyfriend. However, when I was younger I used to love being out in the great outdoors. Life got busy with University & working etc and it had been many years since I had done much walking & cycling. I find geocaching takes me to some spectacular locations & helps me stay fitter then I have been in many years. We are also quite a social bunch in Scotland, and I have been to lots of great events, and met a lot of lovely people. We are attending a annual camping event this weekend. Always lots of geocaching stories, a few drinks and some great food to be shared around the camp fire.
Let’s talk about your geocoins. How has this passion for geocoins begun?
It very much snuck up on me. I had one, and suddenly I had many. It is very addictive! The UK is still in its infancy when it comes to geocoins. There really not many people producing unique coins, although definitely improving recently. I got involved with geocoin Facebook pages, and my coins were opened to all the spectacular geocoins available in Europe, USA & Canada. I have made lots of friends all over the world, who are only too willing to enable my habit and sell me amazing geocoins.
When have you started your collection? Do you remember of which one was your first geocoin?
My first coin was a Robert Burns, Red Rose, The Rose Geocoin which was sold to fund raise for they Ayr MEGA in 2014. It is a lovely coin. The next was the official event coin, and 1 celebrating my 1000th cache, then it spiralled.
Do you have a special geocoin? From your collection, which one is the apple of your eyes?
This is very hard to answer, like being asked to choose between your children LOL. I love my new Amazonia coin. CW88 celtic sword & shield, dragon egg, krakow geocoin, Aphrodite & King Tut. Steve Allens Titanic & War Horses. Love Christian Mackey, Avroayr, Jim Collins & Jon Paul designs So many, too many to list.
How many geocoins do you have currently?
Do you usually activate all your geocoins or are there some items that you keep inactive, strategically?
All my coins are activated, I like to share them at events. I also like to add as much detail as possible to the coin page. Who designed them, the story behind them etc. I have trackable tags in circulation, and some proxy coins, but have never sent out any of my actual coins.
Physically or materially speaking, how do you organize or dispose your collection?
I haven't ever got rid of any of my coins. If I swap, I tend to buy a coin to swap with. Normally copy of something I already have. The coins are all in display folder so I can take them to events. I hold an annual geocoin discovery event.
What are the criteria that you apply to add geocoins to your collection?
Mostly I just collect coins I like. I don't tend to collect the same coin in different finishes. However, if there is a series that I start to collect, then I like to try and get all of the series. I started collecting compass Roses soon after I began caching, and ended up having to own one form every year. I Have managed to get all of them apart from a crystal edition.
Do you have any favourite themes?
I like celtic coins, and animal related coins. Also like the suncacher coins. My collection is quite varied though.
Which was the most expensive geocoin that you acquire and what motivated that “investment”?
I don't spent that much on coins. Always less tha, £30, and rarely that much. However, many of the coins I own have sold for £100+
Where do you usually acquire your geocoins?
Contact on Facebook. I also source coins in online shops if something I particularly like.
Have you ever had the chance to take your collection to a geocaching event?
I don't tend to take to other peoples event's as there are just too many. I ran 2 events last year that I took them to.
If other geocoins collectors (or not) want to see your collection can they do it? If they can, in what way can they do it?
Yes, I would take coins to event if requested.
Do you usually talk with other geocoins collectors? What kind of thoughts do you usually share?
Mostly on Facebook. Chat about coins and what is available, thoughts on value etc. People look out for things I like, and vice versa.
Besides geocoins, do you do other kind of collecting?
Of all geocoins that you know or that you had the chance of take in, which is the “special item” that you dream to add to your collection, some day?
I have 3 of Avroayr's Astro clocks and would like the 4th. Would really love a rainbow bridge geocoin ( I love dogs and understand the loss of them). The Angel Baby geocoin (I was a midwife and looked after many families that lost babies).
And to who is tempted to join the geocoins world, what advice would you give him/her?
Beware! It very addictive & expensive, but you do meet some great people.
Thank you so much for everything Tracey!
Geocoin #008: Portugal 2015 Geocoin
Sardinha do nosso mar…
Vivinha a saltar!
Ó que rica para assar…

A arte de arrastar, Xávega ou Xávena, utiliza-se nesta praia na pesca da sardinha.
A rede é constituída por um saco de malha mais fina onde se aprisiona o peixe.
Este saco é formado por painéis com oito muros separados. As partes laterais da rede a que se chamam mangas, são constituídas por cinco peças cada uma.
Todo o conjunto é contornado por pequenos pedaços chamados chumbadas e pequenas bóias de cortiça que sustentam a rede à flor da água, denominadas por pandas.
Numa das extremidades do saco, prende-se também um flutuador, muitas vezes em forma de pipo.
As mangas têm por continuidade cordas de 25 a 30 metros.
O barco entra no mar, deixando ficar em terra uma ponta de cabo e quando estiver a 3 ou 4 km da costa, é lançada a rede.
Depois desta operação os pescadores voltam para terra, trazendo o cabo de mão da barca.
Juntam os cabos nas cordas e puxam com juntas de bois, assemelhando-se a trabalho agrícola, se der azo à imaginação.
Ao chegar a rede a terra, o peixe é separado e disposto em pequenos lotes para ser leiloado, normalmente acompanhado do praguejar inofensivo das nossas vareiras.
Este espetáculo pitoresco da venda do peixe, é feito a lanços e de tal maneira apressado, que só o leiloeiro e as vareiras o entendem.
Saem então para a rua as nossas mulheres, percorrendo a cidade de canastra à cabeça e andar elegante, apregoando com cantoria…

NOME: Portugal 2015 Geocoin
DATA: Maio de 2016
VERSÕES: Antique Gold, Antique Nickel
FORMATO: Sardinha
TAMANHO: 70 x 15,8 mm
QUANTIDADES: 300 geocoins (60 Antique Gold e 240 Antique Nickel)
DESENHO: Geocoinshop
PRODUÇÃO: Geocoinshop
MENTOR: António Casimiro (acasim)
RESERVAS: em lote de 10 geocoins
Antique Nickel
Antique Gold